A New Game Plan for Greater Success

New approaches can be key to increased results, ease, creativity and satisfaction. A typical mentoring engagement with Performance Allies includes, but is not limited to the following …

Phase I – The Warm-up

What do you want, and where do you want to be, this time next year?

What’s the gap between where you are and where you want to be?

Your assets and liabilities
What has you win
What has you fail

We immediately begin to “move the ball” towards your goals and put new practices in place.

Together, throughout our first few months we further define your company’s and your personal:


Phase II – The Game Plan

We co-create an action plan that will carry you to the goals you desire.

What you need to do differently to reach desired results
What new resources do you need
How to use your existing resources differently
What your expectations are
What the milestones are

Phase III – The Game

Weekly mentoring sessions provide new tools and techniques, along with rigorous, yet compassionate support, while you execute your strategy.

Assess your progress
Examine what’s working and what isn’t
Make course corrections
Begin leading your organization in new, more effective ways

Phase IV – The Win

Celebrate your progress and achievement of your goals.  Consider what’s next (Phase I).

Schedule a Kickstart Strategy Session, now!